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Stephen Voyce is the voice of today putting a new spin on R&B

Editorial Staff

When Michael Jackson hit the scene with his album “Billie Jean”, he took the world by storm with the moonwalk, his own style and his magic. Even though the musical genius is no longer with us there is always a predecessor. It’s my pleasure to introduce Stephen Voyce. Stephen is a Canadian/Nigerian singer and songwriter he has his own unique sound. I like to think of it as a mixture between Maxwell and Michael Jackson.

Stephen recently produced and co-wrote a single for Montreal-based Claudia Lenti. He can’t spill the title yet because it’s set to release in April. Also the single he wrote and recorded in 2018 called “Beautiful Morning” is finally seeing the light of day. It is produced by Austria-based producer Pansa Now. It is a fusion of his Pop/R&B vocals with Pansa’s EDM influence. Stephen is in the final mastering phase of another single “Funk Me Up With Your Lovewhich is an upbeat R&B pop song featuring Montreal artist Zenab Jaber which will release sometime in May. Stephen, don’t forget “Lonely” which is one of my favorite songs.Last but not least Stephen is working on some short films which will bend sci-fi and physiological elements.

I must admit when I first heard Stephen’s music, I was about to jump out of my skin, his voice, and his sound and style certainly takes you to another place and time. He’s got that magic. “I grew up in a household that was a big fan of music, predominantly Michael Jackson. My mom was obsessed with Michael Jackson. She always blasted his music in the car and in our home,” said Stephen. This is where the story unfolds: you can’t grow up listening to Michael Jackson and some star dust does not fall on you.

“I always wanted to sing along with Michael. I remember when he put on a show back then that my mom taped, and I would put it on repeat, and I would watch fans of Michael faint listening to him sing and convey emotions made me want to be like Michael one day to sing a song and have people resonate with it. So, I just started mimicking him and I guess that’s where the talent came in,” said Stephen. I must beg the difference in that statement. You can learn a talent but, you are born with a gift it may take someone else to help you perfect it. If I were a lawyer, I would argue in court that Stephen is gifted.

Stephen felt that music was attached to his soul and needed to come out even though he came from a family that was very involved with music but none of them ever pursued a musical career. It was like fire shut up in his bones and he knew he had to release it. Stephen’s first appearance in the US he performed in Las Vegas at the Venetian hotel in 2019 where he captured the hearts of the crowd. “It was such a crazy moment, so much larger than life, that was a pivotal moment in my life when I realized that I was going in the direction of my career that I wanted to go”. Said Stephen. Since then, Stephen has not slowed down on bringing his dream to pass.

I asked Stephen what he finds challenging in the entertainment industry and this is what he said “as an artist or even as an entrepreneur when you’re pursuing something, and you are the one pushing yourself it’s easy to let circumstances or let the fact that things are not moving as quickly as you think they should, to become discouraged. Because you don’t see the fruits of your labor right now doesn’t mean they’re not reaping”.  Stephen has come to realize that some things take time and patience can differently be a virtue. Let’s push to bring Stephen back to the US to perform. We can use some of that Canadian action.  

Written by Gloria Peebles