I’m So Trusting With God In My Career and My Life – Loren Lott
Jackson: Let’s start with something fun, Loren, because I have to warm you up and get you comfortable. We’re going to play “Mirror Mirror.” I’ll go first. Mirror, mirror on the balcony, I am the queen who’s to come after me. Mirror mirror on the table, I can have anything I desire for God is able.
Lott: Aw! Okay! Let’s do it! Mirror, mirror so divine. Why is Loren Lott so fine? (Laughs) Mirror, mirror sweet like honey. I pray God blesses me with lots more money!
Jackson: Ask and you shall receive! That was so good! Switching gears. What’s your daily source of inspiration? What about it inspires you?
Lott: As corny as this is, Jesus. Jesus is my daily inspiration. You know why though because he’s such a good human being. I know he has to be because he’s the son of man. But he’s so good that it does inspire me every day. It humbles me and helps me not to be cocky! It is so humbling knowing who Jesus was and what he was made with. Especially being in this industry it becomes a lot about self. The interviews are about you, everyone around you is about you, your team is about you and it’s you, you, you. But when you have Jesus you just remember that it’s not about you.
Jackson: I love that answer because that brings me to my next question, which is about God. You turned my ear to a gospel song you were listening to on Tik Tok called “When I Pray” by Doe. You dedicate many parts of your life to him. Did you grow up having that strong connection and understanding of him or was that something you came into as an adult?
Lott: Wow! I love it! Well, when I was fifteen, I began going to a church in San Diego called the Rock Church. And that was the first time I understood exactly who God was. I understood the foundation of Christianity, Jesus and him dying for my sins. Then and there I went down and laid everything out on the altar.
Jackson: Lucy Conrad is a phenomenal role for you in The Porters. I think you completely executed that character. In one scene your character said she was “betting on herself.” That felt like a real-life moment because to move forward you have to leave certain people behind. What was that like in knowing that you had to bet on yourself and distance yourself from a few people?
Lott: I can honestly say that I’m trying to get better at betting on myself. And I love Lucy’s strength to always choose herself. I think a lot of women struggle with that. Trying to put me before other people’s opinions is where I kind of struggle. I simply know that a lot of the time what you want for yourself is right. Your discernment is right. So, I’m learning to trust that more and hopefully be more like Lucy in that sense.
Jackson: What’s the best part about being an actress?
Lott: The best part is you can be someone completely different from yourself and get to see what it’s like to be them. I’m not an aggressive person at all, I’m soft. But I get to play an aggressive character and just explore that area. And bring it back to the real me, you know incorporate those aspects into my life.
Jackson: Being in the public eye do you have a sense of I have to do more, I have to be more?
Lott: Girl, oh my gosh. Yes! (Laughs). That goes back to having discernment and that foundation because you will want more which could cause you to become ungrateful. You’re looking at your peers and comparing your things to their things. And that’s literally from the enemy. I realized that what I have I could enjoy and allow God to continue to expand my territory. So this question is a real one. Especially with social media and also when you’re so close to your giant break. So I have to always keep myself separate and I have a lot of pep talks with myself to stay sane.
Jackson: You said that you were frugal with spending money. You can’t control anyone’s finances but a little advice goes a long way. What advice would you give to those in the industry that think spending is key?
Lott: I would say that this industry is faster feminine. I know that a lot of people think that money is never-ending. But until you are at a certain place, it can go away fast. And I’ve been so blessed to work consistently to afford a great life. But I don’t take that for granted. In broadway, you get to see first-hand that all those blessings are temporary because you can have a show today and no show tomorrow. It’s fun to spend money but if you don’t have a consistent paycheck coming in don’t live as you do.
Jackson: Explain to me how the dream feels. I know you haven’t quite reached your peak but what’s the feeling so far? Is it everything you’ve desired and more?
Lott: I would say that now it feels like everything I had prayed for I finally see the projection. And from all the hard work I put in. It feels like I’ve been on a steady road that is starting to incline. After years of consistent work and being good to people it’s finally beginning to pay off. It’s all such a blessing it feels like God’s hand is in it. Even when it feels like uh, I’m like “you know what, no,” because I’m so trusting God with my career and my life.