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Beauties of The Month

Beauty of The Week 10.3.22 – Symone

Contributing Writer

How old are you?
I am 26 years old and this year I’ll be 27 on the 27th. It’s my golden year!

What’s your zodiac sign? 

I’m a Capricorn AKA the goat!


I’m from a small city called Seaside, CA.

What’s currently on your reading list or podcast?

If I’m reading (it’s rare for me) it’s definitely going to be real estate material because that’s what I’m currently studying. Aside from that, one of my favorite things to watch/listen to is Soft White Underbelly on YouTube. If you haven’t heard of it you should definitely check it out! It’s so interesting.

What got you into modeling?

I got into modeling because I’ve always loved being in front of the camera, but also because I wanted to network. I moved to San Diego in 2018 and knew NO ONE. In 2020 I started reaching out to photographers and going to local meetups. I wanted to start making friends because I was so bored all the time!

How do you stay in peak shape? What’s your workout and diet regime?

My ideal routine is to wake up around 5:00 AM then go to the gym until about 6:45 AM. I’ll come home and have a protein shake then usually eggs and toast. I try to incorporate lots of green veggies in my diet and walk as much as possible. Good rest/sleep is extremely important to me as well!

What does self care look like for Symone? (We love to encourage our readers to take part in self care) 

Self care for me is pure relaxation and all things that soothe me. I love to wash my hair and do a deep condition, take a nice hot shower, do my skincare, light a candle or incense then get cozy on the couch and watch a good show or movie. I also love to treat myself to my favorite foods. I’m all about “me time” but I’m a busy girl so I really try to take advantage of my selfcare moments. 

What is something you wish you knew before getting into modeling? Are There any dos and don’ts you would advise others pursuing it?

I wish I had more discernment about who I shot with and what kind of photoshoots I would do. When I first started out I was shooting whatever with whoever and sometimes ended up in some weird situations. I always advise girls who are just getting started to chat with other models and do their research on photographers. Also figure out what kind of model you want to be whether it’s commercial, print, beauty, runway, etc. and focus on that.

We are all about black beauty, what does black beauty mean to you? 

Black beauty to me means embracing all of my beautiful features and loving me for me. Everyone is unique and special in their own way, but I’ve always felt like there is something extra special about black beauty from all the beautiful shades of skin, all the different hair types and textures, and overall the radiance and charisma black people exude. Every day I am proud to be a black woman.

With a growing fan base and platform, what is something you want your followers to take away from following you on your journey?

The biggest takeaway I want people to get from me is to live authentically because that’s what I strive to do everyday. We live in a time where social media basically runs our lives and pressures us to be, look, and act a certain way whether it’s learning the newest TikTok dance or following a strict aesthetic. I go with the flow of life and always allow myself to be whoever I want to be whenever I feel like it. Don’t let the world box you in! Live freely!

Lastly, what’s next for Symone? 

I’m entering a completely new chapter in my life. As mentioned earlier I am studying to become a real estate agent. I also just started a bottle girl position at F6ix in downtown San Diego. So if you’re looking for a new home or need a table to celebrate, I’m your girl!

Stay connect with Jamel by following him on Instagram @symone_ac.