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Newcomers Stars on The Rise

Cameo Sherrell is walking in faith & keeping God to her heart!

Michael Cox

Cameo Sherrell is a rising star in Hollywood who is making her way. You can catch her recently in Carl Weber’s The Black Hamptons on BET + as she plays Leslie Bowen opposite Vanessa Bell Calloway, Lamman Rucker, and Elise Neal. If you haven’t caught up on the four episode series short, then you might recognize her from The Have and the Have Nots, Double Cross or The Single Life.

I spoke with her about her recent project and journey in the entertainment industry.

Cox: So tell me about your experience being in The Black Hamptons.
Sherrell: It was such a delightful experience to be working with Brain, Lamman, Elise and Vanessa. I grew up watching these actors on my screen and to be on a show with them is mind blowing. I love Vanessa Bell Callaway. One of my favorite movies is What’s Love Got to do with it and we all know the famous eat the cake scene! (laughs) I can recite it word for word and I love her in it. Being in scenes with her was such a full circle moment.

Cox: I know that was such a significant moment and you play her niece.
Sherrell: Yes and I think the parallel between my character Leslie and myself is we want to earn her (Carolyn Britton) respect.But in the first episode Leslie fumbles the ball. (Laughs) Mike it was that pillow talking with her husband that got her sidetracked.

Sherrell (cont.): I mean you know Leslie’s is there for two reasons and two reasons only: to inform Carolyn on everything that is happening in the community and to keep the Black Hamptons Black.

Cox: When I look at your credits you have a good amount going all the way to 2010. Tell me how you go into acting.
Sherrell: Honestly I feel like I got into the game late. I took a year off from college because I just wanted to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. During that time off my close friend Kisha asked me what I am doing with my life. She said “ok now you don’t wanna end up a deadbeat” (laughs) I told her I would for sure figure it out. I had no clue. One day I was watching “What’s Love got to do with it” and was just in awe of how Angela Bassett transformed into Tia Turner. I was amazed and everything in me wanted to do/be that. See what I mean by full circle moment? (smiles)

After that moment Cameo shared that she immediately looked up schools for acting in Orlando and enrolled in Lisa Maile’s modeling and acting school. She was familiar with it because she had previous experience modeling in her earlier years. It was there she took a scene study class that blew her mind and confirmed that this was the career path she needed to take.

She packed it, shipped it, and head to New York in 2006

Cox: What was it that gave you the courage to make that move with no experience or anything lined up.
Sherrell: It’s so funny because back then I didn’t realize how I was moving through life on faith. I thought it was just me just doing something. But that’s it! I’m a doer. I get an idea and a lot of times have no idea how to go about to get it done and every time it ends up working out. The thing is, it has never been JUST me.

Sherrell (contin.): I told my girlfriend I felt like I’ve been moving through life on blind faith. She reminded me that it was always faith and nothing else. She said “You’re just in a space now where you truly recognize it.”

Cameo was candid that even though she is moving on blind faith, it’s still a struggle because things don’t always go as planned for her, especially in a tough industry like acting. But it’s those times she reminds herself that God wouldn’t have put any of this in her spirits if it wasn’t for her.

Cox: Speaking of faith, how do you keep it when you are waiting for your next role or you don’t get the role you so badly wanted?
Sherrell: At the end of day we have to realize we don’t have control over anything. God is in control of this all and once you realize that you have the peace to understand that it’s going to happen in God’s time. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be trying to do anything or make things happen. But I was one of those people who was constantly focused on making my career happen based on me. I used to think I can make this happen because I can control this. (Laughs) And child that just isn’t true.

Sherrell (contin.): This is a journey, and you have to remind yourself to cancel out all the noise. Remind yourself what God has said. And you have to love this craft wholeheartedly and unconditionally because it’s so inconsistent. It’s so up and down. Once the job is wrapped and you have nothing lined up, you are back to being unemployed.

As she stays the course and waits on God’s timing, Cameo shared that during the pandemic she found a new self empowerment through creating. She started writing scripts, directing her own work, and reaching out to collaborate with others. Though things were shut down and most at a pause, she would not allow that to stop her from honing her craft and expanding it. It’s just like when the pastor says God will expand your territory and for Cameo that was going to be an opportunity.

Cox: Why was this part in writing and directing a new progression in your career?
Sherrell: It’s because I wasn’t booking and I was frustrated. I was tired of sitting around and waiting for others to give me an opportunity to work. I realized I can do something about that. I can do more! There are ideas I can bring to life.

By the end of this spirited conversation I will always remember Cameo saying, “Well if you say you want to be an actor just act.” This is a word she leaves anyone who is pursuing the craft left as a reminder that if you aren’t booking or auditioning at a speed, you like then create your own stuff so that you can continue to ACT!