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Stars on The Rise

Have Faith and Stick With Faith, Kelsey Caesar

NaShaye Jackson

I read that you’re really big on Global Warming? What is it about GW that peeks your personal interest?
Really, the future. I think about the harm that’s happening to us and the planet right now and how much catastrophic it will be later down the line. So that’s one of my biggest things. I love the environment and I love animals. When I was a kid and Discovery Channel was displaying everything, me and my Dad would watch it all the time. We watched every special and I’m still that person today that watches animal documentaries. Because they show us not only the animal habitat but also how it’s shrinking and decreasing. Because of Global Warming. To go even further, this is one thing that I want to bring a strong awareness to in the urban community. If there is a shortage of supply like water and bread, who would be affected the most? The urban community. The people with the most money will be supported first and whatever and how much ever is left will be given to the urban community.

What are your favorite songs from your teenage year that you still listen to when no one is around?
I would definitely say “Yo” by Chris Brown. Are you kidding me? Laughs. Such a classic. Another song I would say is “Peaches and Cream” by 112.

You’ve worked with a few major networks. Which was your favorite to work with if not all of them?
I was really excited to work with Disney. I’m not going to lie to you. Disney was like a dream come true. All of them were a dream come true, MTV for sure! But Disney was my number one. I grew up on Disney. I was the Disney kid for That’s So Raven and Even Stevens.

How do you think the world will react to the film B** A?
I think the world will like it. I think it’s a really cool story. The movie gives a nostalgic feel. And it’s pretty much a black, hood classic. Growing up in the 90’s and 2000’s those types of films were really popular. Like Leprechaun In The Hood. And we pretty much filled the void with this.

How was the transition from being a phenomenal olympic athlete to being an actor? Were you afraid of disappointing anyone with that change?
The transition for me was easy. Because a lot of people didn’t know that I was already doing film in highschool. So it wasn’t really new for me to jump back into it full time. As far as disappointment, I didn’t have any. My coaches all supported me. They saw the amount of discipline and structure I had with the sport so knew I would do just as great with my acting. The support was a blessing.

If your message in a bottle was found on the beach, what would it read?
Easy. Have faith and stick with faith. I wouldn’t have gotten here if I didn’t stick and stay committed to my faith. Regardless of what I went through in my life, I’ve always stuck by it. That reigns true for me.

What is your ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal is to definitely be a mogul. I want to be someone in the African American Community that provides resources to better and raise our community up. And be a really big influence on the community to show people that you can be from any type of background or have a rocky past but you can still get to where you truly want to be. And that’s by sticking to it and being committed to faith.

Stay connected with Kelsey Caesar

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