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issue 15 star on the rise Newcomers

Having The Faith of A Mustard Seed- Racquel Palmer

NaShaye Jackson

Sometimes, we don’t apply ourselves to a goal simply because of self-made fear. As we know fear is the number one enemy of the human mind. But the one thing all of the greats and upcoming successors have in common is overcoming fear, and we can include actress Racquel Palmer in the pool of successors. With strong faith and a courageous heart, she distanced herself from fear and set the standard for applying herself. Known for the famous “Hire Me Tyler Perry ” billboard, Racquel caught the attention of the icon and others. Now in 2022, Racquel stars in Tyler Perry’s BET series, “All The Queens Men ” and more to come. So, it’s safe and accurate to say setting aside your fear plays a huge role in achieving your goal or purpose.

Q: What would you say to twelve-year-old Racquel?

Racquel: That’s a hard one, and it’s only hard because I started high school at twelve. So, I had a very good idea of where and who I wanted to be, and that’s the time frame when I told my mom and dad that this is what I wanted to be, a professional actress. So, I think I would just say to her, it’s difficult and will be difficult at different points but keep going.

Q: It’s fascinating that you’ve always known this is what you wanted to do at only age twelve. Who were some of your influencers coming up?

Racquel:(Laughs) My mom says I came out of her womb acting like a fool. So, this has been all I’ve done. Even before twelve, I was always acting and performing. My mother was my influence. She was a woman of faith. She was a strong Black woman who took care of business. She always showed love to her children. She was amazing. My mom was my model. I never looked to outside influences because my mother was everything I needed, she was my example.

Q: You’re a married woman, do you feel marriage is as valued as it was fifty years ago?

Racquel: Marriage is a trend now. (Laughs). No, I don’t believe marriage is the same way that it was some years ago. In my first marriage, I was fairly young, nineteen,and I divorced young simply because I didn’t know what marriage was. Which is the world’s issue today, and having married my husband now, it’s a different ball game. He and I aren’t just husband and wife, we’re partners. He’s my best friend and I learned to fall in love with him and rock out with him in this life.

Q: Being in the industry, what have you learned about yourself that you had yet to discover?

Racquel: Well, I’m still learning about the industry. It’s only been four years of me being on this level, so my perception is it is not for the weak. You need to have tough skin and a thick backbone to stand in this industry. But what I learned about myself is that I always prove myself wrong every time. Whenever I think I can’t do something, I do it.

Q: What’s one life lesson you teach your children on the daily?

Racquel: Even though their ages differ, I teach them to serve God, love God and love themselves, and go after their dreams. I told my sixteen-year-old son who wants to be a performer, that if you’re not out there going after the dream as your mother did, I don’t want to hear anything less. I teach them every day to go after anything they want. Even my four-year-old knows that because that’s what my mother taught me, that I could be anything I wanted to be.

Q: What did you have to release to be who and where you are today?

Racquel: Fear. Worry. When you put yourself out there on the line as I did, you have to let go of those aspects. Fear and worry couldn’t have a place for what I wanted to accomplish and what I did accomplish. I had to let those go, and it was difficult because I do have a family, and a lot of my decision-making affects them. So, letting go and letting God was what I had to do.

Q: How is playing the character Blue? Are there any similarities between the two of you?

Racquel: Yes and no. As far as the yes, Blue is extremely strong and she’s very loyal. When I was developing her as a character I took pieces of women that were in my life, like my mom, my sister, and my aunt, strong Black women, who had that loyalty. For the no, I’m a little softer than Blue. You may be able to get something over Racquel but Blue that’s not happening. So, there are parts of her that are the same as me, and some things are different that I get to see and appreciate.

Photo credit Antoine Verglas