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issue 15 star on the rise Stars on The Rise

“I Didn’t Have A Blueprint To Follow, I Only Had Faith.” – Brittney Jefferson

NaShaye Jackson

A delightful Q&A with Brittney Jefferson, star on the rise!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I think it would be to fly. Sometimes, you want to just go across the country and see the world. I’m from Alabama and a lot of my family members have never been outside of Alabama. I have family members that have never even been on a flight, and I can’t wait to show them the world, that superpower would be great. (Laughs). So yes, I’d fly and take people out of their normal box. Show them

What’s been the most fun part of your career?
The most fun part about it is just seeing God answer the prayer. When you set out to do something and it happens the moment is full of thoughts like God you do love me, you do want this for me. It’s the greatest. To see it all manifest and see it all happen is awesome.

What’s been the most challenging part?
Everything about it was challenging. For me, being from Fairfield, Alabama there weren’t a lot of programs for performance when I was coming up, and there aren’t a ton of opportunities for kids to see the art or participate in it. Though, I’ve always had the thought of moving to Los Angeles. I’ve always felt that my dream was bigger than in Alabama. There wasn’t a blueprint, I had nothing to follow. I just knew that I needed to get out to Los Angeles and just trust God for the best, and just that first step initially was hard. I knew nothing about the business at the time. But I still decided to leave. I had to get out of my way and walk by faith.

Did you always have this dream to become an actress or did this niche come at a later date from an influence?
I had always known that I loved the art of performing but I think it became clearer as I got older. I loved writing, and storytelling and I had a big imagination. I knew my dream was to move to L.A but I didn’t know exactly what was calling me to that particular place. But as I matured it became more apparent that acting is what I wanted to do. I felt that acting was my passion and that’s what I was going to do.

How did you land the role “Aleesia” in the summer sizzle Rap Sh!t?
I had an audition for P Valley and I was so upset that I didn’t get it. Then my agent sent me the audition for Rap Sh!t. I did the role for Shauna, I didn’t get it but they still wanted me for another role. I auditioned in front of Issa and made her laugh. So, I was confident but I didn’t get that role either. Vicky told me that they went another route for the character but that they loved me and they had another role in mind for me and I was like yes, what’s for me is for me!

Do you ever have a moment of self-doubt or that you’re being too hard on yourself?
I did at first but not anymore. God will send you reminders along the way, and my dad would always remind me that I’m not on anyone’s time but God’s time and Hedoesn’t wear a watch. (Laughs). That’s self-explanatory.

What’s popular but you feel is overrated?
Hookahs! Listen, girl! I’ve smoked Hookah before and it’s not for me. They gave me headaches and made me dizzy and a little nauseated. That’s not fun for me at all! I don’t see how people can do it.

What story from your childhood brings you comfort?
It’s not a childhood story, to be honest. I moved to Miami for a guy, and God had begun to make me uncomfortable which is what Hedoes when He’sready to move you. I went to Miami because I was frustrated with my career and things weren’t going as I had planned. I then moved from Miami back to L.A and I prayed and asked God to show me what Hewanted from me or what Hewanted me to do. I was working a part-time job and one day a customer came in fifteen minutes before it was time for me to go, and I was one of them workers like no, he was about to get this attitude, and the guy prophesied to me. He began saying things to me that I knew were from God because all I said to him was “how can I help you?” I was like Woah. He said to me, “what you came out here to do, you are going to do it.” Then he mentioned a breakup and said ”because you chose God, God chooses you.” I always go back to that moment because he sent a stranger through to answer my prayer.

So what have you learned about yourself being in this newly elevated place?
That’s everything I need, I already have it in me. Everything that I thought I lacked God had already put inside of me and I trust that he will continue to reveal it to me.

What’s the ultimate goal for Brittney Jefferson?
To be a vessel and a witness that God can do it for you. That’s my ultimate goal, to reflect on how good God is and what Hecan do for you, if you let Him because there’s nothing special about me. I eat and sleep just like everyone else does. Once things began to unfold and I had to realize that it wasn’t any of my doing. So giving the glory back to him is my goal.