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issue 15 star on the rise Stars on The Rise

I’ve Always Been A Jane Of All Trades – Li Eubanks

NaShaye Jackson

Q: Let’s talk about the upcoming series “Mike.” You’re playing Desiree Washington, a very sensitive role. How does it feel to express that in this character?

Eubanks: The idea of it was very heavy, and the preparation for it was pretty tough. But for me, I felt immediately connected to it when I got the audition. The material sent over to me was for a very short scene, but then I found out that the episode was her episode and from her point of view. When I realized that, I had a conversation with myself about honoring her story because she was only eighteen when this happened, and she hasn’t spoken about it since. So being sure to be delicate with the way I told her story, and this is still happening to women all over the world, making this role much bigger than mine. I want to send a clear message that women are heard.

Q: Were you familiar with her story or did you learn about it upon the audition?

Eubanks: I did not know of her story until the audition, and just looking through her archival footage and doing my research was how I came to know this woman.

Q; What’s a home remedy you grew up with that worked?

Eubanks: I would say the aloe vera plant. Anytime we had a scratch or a cut, that’s what we would use. I think it worked, laughs. But I also use it for my hair and my scalp because sometimes your scalp can get irritated, and I find that it helps with any inflammation.

Q: How do you keep yourself motivated to keep going?

Eubanks: Honestly, I try to keep my intentions in mind. I don’t know exactly what my purpose is, but I have a few ideas. I try to remember what I’m doing and the hard work it takes to do it, and how much further I have to go with it. Also, staying protective of my energy is important to me. Creating a space where I feel free, peaceful and where I can flourish keeps me focused.

Q: What’s some advice you were given before you made it into Hollywood? Advice that you’ve kept in the back of your mind.

Eubanks:The greatest advice would be to always remain humble and to always have gratitude. That has stayed with me for so long. Even when I’m on set, I try to be the easiest person to work with. I show up on time for everything to make everyone else’s job easier as much as possible,and the glam and everything that comes with all of this is great, but everything is for a much bigger purpose.

Q: The movie Dolomite featured many seasoned actors and actresses. Did any of their qualities rub off on you while working amongst them?

Eubanks: Yes. Just watching Eddie Murphy work and seeing him in his zone was so inspiring. It was just amazing because he’s been around for so long, and Ruth Carter, the costume designer, was magical with her craft. It felt like everyone was so intentional with their work.

Q: How do you balance your personal life and your career?

Eubanks: I would say it’s a very healthy balance. For me, I’m always going to get my work done because the career I’ve chosen is what I want to do—and knowing that I don’t let anything or anyone come in between that. I also know that I can’t stress out because of the two. I can’t stress about what is going on in my personal life while auditioning for a role and vice versa. I just let things be as they are. So I keep a healthy balance in mind and body. Which is something I had to learn. Learning your triggers plays a huge part in a well-balanced life.

1 Comment

  1. NaShaye Jackson
    Betty Mellor September 27, 2022

    Yes! Finally someone writes about her explanation.