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Films + Shorts Young Entertainers

Jalyn Hall – The Breakout Star speaks on latest role as Emmett Till in the movie Till

Michael Cox

Cox: Jalyn, You’ve starred on shows and movies such as All American, Black-ish, Family Reunion, Shaft, The House with a Clock in Its Walls. How does it feel to be only 15 and having major success in the entertainment industry?

Hall: It’s a crazy feeling if I do say so myself. When you are starting out, you never really know where the journey will take you. I mean, you have hopes and dreams – but you never know how you will get there. For me right now, at this place in my life, all I can say is: “Wow! I’m actually here, and all my hard work is paying off.” I feel thrilled with where I am currently, and I haven’t even reached my fullest potential yet in my career.

Jalyn is probably one of the humblest people you’ll ever meet. When I asked him how it felt to be this young and to have worked with so many legends, he told me he is always a fan of other people and their work. Because he doesn’t come from a family with a background in entertainment, he has always looked up to and admired the people he is sharing the screen with.

“Being humble is second nature to me.” 

Cox: Since you didn’t grow up with a family in the entertainment industry, where did the love and passion for acting come from?

Hall: Funnily enough, it came from me just watching TV. I would watch my favorite shows and tell myself; I’m going to be on TV. The more I pursued it, the more this spark in me grew. I have to thank my mom because she was supportive of me from day one. She kept hearing me say that acting was all that I wanted to do, and she has believed in me since the beginning. 

Cox: This sparked a great career path for you, playing a variety of roles. How do you get into character?

Hall: I get into a certain mindset. If the character doesn’t have any prior history to it, then I create an entire background so that they become whoever I want them to be. This is what I usually do when you see my work on shows like “All American”, or something featured on Disney Channel. For a role like Till, where I play Emmett Till, the process is a bit different, as there is a prior history and certain guidelines to follow. I embody who this person was and how people knew him and remember him, while still adding my own personal touch. 

Cox: Tell me more about your process for creating the background for a character.

Hall: I think about the small things of the character. I create scenarios of their favorite foods and even their pet peeves, for example. Once you figure out the little things, it shows in your acting and translates on-screen. 

He mentioned that during his process of bringing a character to life, he also focuses on a natural chemistry between him and the cast. You never know how things will play off each other when the cameras are rolling, so he lets it all go when it’s time to shoot. Jalyn also mentioned that once the cameras are off, he leaves the work and character there so that he doesn’t take it home with him. That’s a big part of his acting process. 

Cox: Now speaking of Till, how was that experience for you? I know there had to be so much pressure for you because of the historical significance.

Hall: To speak on the pressures of the character – the heaviness of what occurred historically is well-known. Naturally, there is this tension where people are wondering how this film will turn out, and I had to push all of those ideas out of my head and just focus on what’s right for the role. My goal is and was to do the story and the character justice, and to play the role to the best of my ability. 

Hall (contin.): This was a very educational experience for me. Generally, people knew parts of the story, but they don’t know what happened down to the smallest of details. This project did exactly that, and sheds light on everything. There is such an authenticity in it that is unbelievable. Authenticity is what I really wanted to bring to the role. 

Jalyn said that this project is one where people can both marvel at the details and learn from them as well. 

Cox: When it came to this role, what is something you took away from that you learned about yourself as a young and growing actor?

Hall: It helped me learn more about myself as an actor and more about my craft. In this project, you can see moments that are lighthearted, but then there are moments that are dark and scary. This is one of those roles and films where you have to go to different places to fulfill them. Going to those different places helped me emerge as a better person and actor. 

Cox: Last, what advice would you give to actors coming up around your age?

Hall: I heard a thousand no’s before I heard one yes. As a result, you have to have a drive in you to keep going. If you can see yourself at the top of the hill and where you want to be, hold on to that dream. Mistakes come with the process and they build character that propels you forward in your journey, because you will learn from them. Let nothing turn you down and keep holding on to that dream. This will make every yes you receive even more sweet.

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