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Kieron L Dyer Talks Starring Axl In Thor: Love & Thunder

NaShaye Jackson

The young Jingle Jangle star has made his way to the biggest spotlight so far in his career. Landing a role with Marvel studios in the newest Thor: Love and Thunder. Kieron stars as Axl, Idris Elba’s son in the visually stunning movie in the MCU. Kieron expresses how working with Chris Hemsworth was quite intimidating upon first meeting because of the admiration he holds for the superhero Thor. After breaking down that wall of intimidation, Kieron began to feel more confident in his role as he became more familiar with the cast and directors.

Where and when did you get your start in acting?
At a really early age like four to five, I always loved performing and watching others perform. So it’s always been a passion of mine. And when I was nine years old, I went to a drama club for the very first time and the drama club leader emailed my dad about an audition. So we went for it and I enjoyed the experience. I never thought I would get the part because I had never acted before. And that’s history.

How does such a huge role feel and how did you take it when you learned that you landed the role of Axl?
It’s definitely a lot to take in and a bit overwhelming. When I got wind that I got the part I was really excited with it being a Marvel role especially. Everything happened so fast. We flew out to Australia and my nervousness started to kick in. I saw from afar Chris Hemsworth and others. I was like oh my days, breathing really heavy. But my approach to it was to be confident and relaxed. But it was really exciting and incredible. Growing up me and my family watched all these actors on screen to now being welcomed by them is an indescribable feeling.

What did you love most about being Axl?
I think what I loved most about Axl is he’s brave and determined and he is always trying to figure things out. And he obviously inherited his father’s abilities to be able to see realms and project people. I think that was really cool to explore. .

The fight scene was epic! Did you have some training during it?
Yes, we did have a lot of training for that. Stunt training. I was pumped every day for the fighting scene. But some days we cut back on just fighting, going for what we knew. (Laughs) But we had to have some training in some areas. I’ve never really done stunts before so that was pretty cool and fun to learn. I would be able to defend myself a lot better in life now.

Are there any other superhero movies you’d like to star in?
That’s a very good question. I would say Black Panther and Captain America. Those two are my favorite of all time. They’re so action packed and I love it.