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Knowledge is power and college student Courtnee Simmons is taking it all in stride

Gloria Peebles

Courtnee Simmons knows how important a good education is. She is a Sophomore at Kennesaw State University in Cobb County, Georgia. She is the president of (Ladies of Distinction) on her college campus, she has her own eyelashes business called Court Minks and she is the daughter of Andre Simmons, writer and author of the book “THE SALT From Their Tears.”  I guess you can say the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree it hangs on.

                                What is your major in college? 

My major is biology with a minor in Business Law. My goal is to get my doctorate degree.  In between that I plan to do intern work in the pharmaceutical arena probably working for Kaiser or Wellstar Health System that’s what most of my peers do until I finish college.

                           Tell me how college life has been for you?

College is something to experience. There’s a lot of growth in it. I feel like from my freshman year always to my Sophomore and Junior year now it has been a 180 in a change for me. I’m a totally different person. Personally, it’s a lot that you go through and learn. I feel like I have learned a lot about myself. Going to college you meet people from all over the world; it’s a different experience and a life changing one. Personally, I believe everyone should experience college.  

          What are some of the things you have been involved with in college?

Since college I have joined three organizations MTM which was a modeling program that I did for 4 or 5 months that was basically like boot camp then we put on a fashion show. The other organizations I joined were Trust, and Ladies of Distinction that I am the president of. It’s like a women of empowerment group where we help girls with leadership skills, we do community service, and fundraisers. It’s a sisterhood where we bring all the girls on campus together. Trust is basically the same thing except boys can join this group.

                          What are some of your other goals after college?I know people have a plan A, and plan B my plan A is starting my own business.  I already have a lash business called Court Minks which are my mink lashes that I was selling in high school. I’m trying to start that business back up. I really would like to have a six-figure income. I want to be an entrepreneur selling clothes, lashes having a boutique. I’m very fashionable. I love being an influencer. I love modeling and I love making girls feel pretty things like that. “I can certainly see Courtnee doing anything she wants; she’s another reason why Black girls rock”


  1. Gloria Peebles
    Nadine Manns October 21, 2022

    I am so proud of you Courtnee. Keep on inspiring and blessing others with your talent and God will continue to be great in your life!

  2. Gloria Peebles
    Andre Simmons October 21, 2022

    Court Court, you are truly my Kohinoor Diamond. You are gifted to this earth because of your selflessness to others. One of the most immutable bonds in the world is one between a father and his daughter. You captivate public interest and global importance because of your presence. When I count my blessings, I count you twice. I’m so proud of you. Stay in his grace. MATCHLESS!!!

  3. Gloria Peebles
    Singletary*RQ October 22, 2022

    A woman of Distinction you are, Courtnee!!

    It is truly admirable to see you as a young lady share your gifts and be a great leader. You are one of our bright shining stars who will captivate, motivate and emancipate the minds of our youth to Strive for Excellence.

    I wish you continuous success and great Blessings!!
