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No Matter What, Never Let Your Past Determine Your Future – Ja’Kyia Horn

NaShaye Jackson

Generation Z is changing the game and creating new rules as they go. With so many of them becoming successful entrepreneurs they’re inspiring Millennials, Generation X and Boomers to step out of the simple nine to five routine. Twenty three year old Ja’Kyia Horn is a part of that inspiration. At only the age of sixteen Horn became a micro influencer and she’s been in the game ever since. Being in the limelight she started her luxury teeth whitening business named Luxury Smiles. Ja’Kyia is also a fanatic for fashion which also attracts her target audience of high fashion women. Ja’Kyia talks about her struggles, her blessings and her plans.

How was the pressure of being an influencer at sixteen years old?
Honestly I can say it hasn’t been a lot of pressure. It was quite easy for me. Because everyone around me likes or loves me. They like my vibe and my mindset. So I won’t say it was a challenge at all. Granted it has its ups and downs but I like to look at the more positive aspect of it. The love I receive.

In your opinion, what are some pros and cons of being a social media influencer?
In my opinion a pro for me is always staying up on your game! Even if you don’t like it or necessarily agree with it, you have to give the people what they like. And of course the con is you’ll always have people who won’t like who you are, what you do and even what you post. So you have to step outside the box and be different regardless.

What makes an influencer? And on a scale of one to ten how much do you love being one?
The people that are watching you, is what makes an influencer. That’s the goal of influencing them and keeping them not only interested in you but in their lives as well. It’s always the people. And I’ll give it a nine. Because it’s still a job! You have to schedule and prepare days before. I love it because it’s what I want to do but it can get stressful as I continue to grow in it.

How do you handle stress? What are some of your routines to stay grounded?
I pray. Pray, pray and pray! I’m heavy on that. When I wake up, throughout the day and before I go to bed. And I don’t get frustrated or mad easily so that helps me along the way. Then I remind myself of being made for this life. And I have a son that inspires me to keep going because it’s honestly bigger than me.

Why did you start Luxury Smiles? What’s the inspiration behind that?
Two inspirations. My grandmother who passed, she would always say her teeth were a problem for her. And I would say when I get older I’m going to be a dentist and I’m going to get your teeth fixed. Laughs. And my mom would always take us to the dentist but the experience was always terrible. The dentist was mean and rough to me and my brother. She would pull my hair and everything. As a kid that’s traumatizing. And I didn’t want that experience for other people. So I made sure to handle people and their dental needs with care. I have a love for cosmetics too, which allows me to be gentle.

What are some things in your life that you are willing to change to secure your growth?
Definitely the people around me. And I’m not changing that myself. I can honestly say God is changing that for me. Like I said I’m really big on him and he saw that it was the people around me that were hindering my growth. Allowing him to make that change has been life changing for me. He removes and he adds.

Can you give us an exclusive peek into what’s next for Ja’Kyia Horn?
I’ll be publishing my first ever novel. I’m looking forward to walking in a major African American produced fashion show and continuously assisting companies and brands with product/service advertising. I also want to be a brand ambassador for Pretty Little Things.

What would your message in a bottle say?
“Never let the past determine your future.” I’m sure they may hear that often but I’m living proof. The things I’ve been through most people wouldn’t believe it. And you will hear more inside stories of that testimony in my upcoming novel.