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Photographer in The Spotlight – Curtis J. Moore

Michael Cox
Image of Black Photography

A brief introduction to Curtis J. Moore – Your World & His Lens

Curtis J. Moore is a photographer who looks to capture the vision by being present with his clients. It’s more than just shooting a camera and editing, it’s about being right there with them.

He received his start in college when he stumbled onto a graphic design course which led him to choosing a major in graphic design. “I had fun with graphic design but it wasn’t until I had to take a photography class that my world was opened,” said Moore. It was something that surprised him because he never thought photography would be something of interest as well as a future career path. 

“I had to learn to trust my gut and take charge”

In a competitive industry, Curtis learned early that he had to know what opportunities to take and which ones to leave on the table. “I’ve had some situations where my gut told me not to take that job or to charge my full price, but I didn’t and I learned,” said Moore. In photography, it’s important to do the work and make a name for yourself but know your price and what you will and will not take on with clients. “Being a photographer isn’t just about taking pictures, but you are also dealing with so many personalities and pulling in every direction at times,” said Moore. He believes choosing your peace of mind over a dollar amount will save a photographer a future headache. 

“I think it is something special to capture a moment in time”

Curtis sees photography as a sort of time capsule. He explained the time capsule metaphor as a photo holding that moment for someone in the future to look back on. Photography is one of the things that stands the test of time for Curtis because it’s what we use to not just share a moment but to pass down culture, heritage, and tell stories for the next generation. “This is why it’s important that my clients love my work,” said Moore.