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Issue #16 Crystal Renee Hayslett


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Issue #15 is for The Dreamers!

This issue is dedicated to those who make it their business to succeed. They don’t mind starting all the way over in life or taking on jobs that require them to start completely at the bottom. There is something very inspirational and aspirational about individuals who show us they can put ego and pride aside to go after what they want. 

Through their journeys and the process they learned more about who they used to be and who they were becoming. One of life’s greatest lessons is learning to unlearn so that we can become the true masters of our faith. From Walter Fauntleroy starting over completely and moving his family across the country to Crystal Renee Hayslett leaving a very comfortable job on Capitol Hill to pursue her acting dreams, you will get inspired. 

Black women are making it their business in spaces! Crystle Stewart is leading Miss USA as the first Black woman CEO. LisaRaye McCoy and Tichina Arnold are diving into the world of directing. 

These stories like all our stories inspire you to remember to live the life you want. Be honest and check in with yourself. Make sure you are living authentically for you and no one else.


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