Pros and Cons by TA Thomas was inspired by a candid and honest conversation between Black men about love and maturity

The talented artist, TA Thomas, who is a singer, songwriter, musician, and performer, has recently launched his newest single titled “Pros and Cons.” This captivating track will be included in his upcoming project called “Caught Between 2 Worlds.” TA describes this album as his heartfelt tribute to the genre of R&B.
To prepare for the project, we had the opportunity to speak with the artist who was raised in the Mississippi Delta. We wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the song Pros and Cons and learn more about his creative process in bringing it to fruition.
Cox: TA Thomas, you just released your latest single, Pros and Cons. This song feels very personal to you, like it’s coming from your own experience.
TA Thomas: It is because I think we’ve all been there in any type of relationship where sometimes we think the grass is greener on the other side when we are debating if we should stay or go. That’s what this song is about, because you really need to write things out before leaving a situation, unless there are some deal breakers that are broken.
But that’s not always the case in a lot of situations. We are sometimes led to think things are better if we just leave. Instead of just leaving, you need to take some time and really think things through. You have to weigh the pros and cons.
Cox: I love the thought behind the song. So how did you come up with the name for it? Was it one of those things where you toyed with different names at first?
TA Thomas: I don’t know if you are familiar with Camper. He is an amazing producer and friend. We start all my sessions with very vulnerable conversations. One day, we were all in the studio. The guys and I were just talking about relationships. Some of the guys were like, We are at this age now where we have to weigh the pros and cons of our situations before just letting things go so fast. So, the song and title came from the subject of the conversation we were having before we even started writing the record.
Cox: I love that this song came out of a positive discussion between black men.
TA Thomas: Yes, it was a dope session with some creative and well-known people in the industry. The session was like all my sessions, where we are being vulnerable and transparent with our conversations. It came from us talking about weighing things out when you are really in love. And being vulnerable to your current situation.
Cox: What was the creative process for bringing this song to life?
TA Thomas: For this song in particular, I went in from the angle of the hook. The hook came from the conversation. I didn’t know where it was going to go, but I was like, Let’s go in. I wrote the record with a woman named Sage White and one of my friends named B. Sims.
Once we laid the melodies down, we got to write them.
I was singing and humming Pro and Cons and the other parts of the lyrics. That’s why I like to have a woman in the room because it gives me the woman’s perspective on the song. The guy’s perspective is important too, but having a woman in the session helps me understand if I’m being considerate and transparent enough with the song. Like, are the sentiments of it really touching her?
Cox: What’s one of your favorite parts of the song that really resonates with you?
TA Thomas: The part where it goes!

Who do you trust like this? (Yeah.) Whose sex can be a drug like this?
Who can be on top at the same time under your skin like this?
Crazy ’cause we’ve been doing this for so long, too long.
Cox: Why that part?
TA Thomas: You know, there’s just something about having sex with the one you are in love with that makes two become one for that moment. That’s true intimacy. And it’s just like all the other problems fade away.
Cox: Is pros and cons only about reflecting on a romantic relationship?
TA Thomas: No, it’s about all relationships. It can be romantic, platonic, or business-related. We are living in an age where people see things on social media and compare their own situations. People think too often and easily that things are really better outside of what they have when things get tough.
Cox: Who would you say this song is for?
TA Thomas: It’s for everyday people who are struggling to keep a relationship alive.
Cox: What about TA Thomas? What are some big pros or cons that you weigh when dealing with someone?
TA Thomas: One of the biggest pros is having someone who is patient. Someone who gives me grace to be understood We all need grace at some point in time. I need that person to understand how important that is for me. And I’m going to do the same for them. Another is that they have to be charismatic and secure in who they are. Cons are things that come as they come, and I weigh them against the things I just said. Unless it’s something that is nonnegotiable.
Cox: What’s nonnegotiable for you?
TA Thomas: Grace is up there for me, bro. We are all imperfect beings and are subjected to making mistakes at times. None of us are perfect; we aren’t God. So, you can’t be someone who is going to judge me for my mistakes or where I messed up. If you aren’t going to approach me with grace in a situation, then don’t approach me at all.
Stay connect with TA Thomas