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Saaphyri Windsor is rebranding with her thriving business adventures

Gloria Peebles

Saaphyri Windsor, former reality star of the Flavor of Love has branched out and is doing her own thing these days. She appeared in Charm School which was also a reality show featured on VH1 a spin-off of Flavor of Love where Saaphyri was the grand prize winner. There is no slowing down for this power girl. She has her hands in a lot of endeavors. She has a Non-Profit organization called Developmental Foundation for children and young adults. She was inspired to start this business due to her daughter who has developmental disabilities. She has a unisex lip balm called Saaphyri’s Lip Chap, she’s Executive Director for Fire House where they do music videos, and she has written a book titled Don’t Interrupt My Prayers Before God Directs Me To Whoop Yo Ass! Well, I guess you heard that.   

Saaphyri really has beautiful soul and I had the pleasure of chatting with her she filled me in on what she’s doing now and her plans for the future this is what Saaphyri had to say “since Flavor of Love I did Charm School and a lot of reality shows that were over-seas like the Netherlands and Holland but, recently I just released my book called Don’t Interrupt My Prayers Before God Directs Me To Whoop Yo Ass!. It’s my spiritual journey”. It has always been said that God has a great sense of humor. In the book Saaphyri is transparent about her life and she opens-up about her life revealing some things people have never heard before from her birth to her near-death experiences. It’s a book you will not be able to put down. 

Acting was something Saaphyri always wanted to do. Saaphyri was a rapper before she started acting on reality shows. Her first deal was with Motown but it never got off the ground she was dropped from the label. “Then a person approached me about doing a play called Food Stamps” Saaphyri said with a smile. The producer wanted a female rapper which at that time she was working with Dr. Dre so they gave her the part because she was a female rapper. “When we got in rehearsals, they asked me if I could act? I told them yeah I could act but, I really didn’t know” stated Saaphyri. She was given a script to take home to practice long story short she nailed it and the rest is history her career takes off.

Everyone knows that success brings challenges. What Saaphyri finds most challenging in the entertainment industry is consistency. “I have to say there are a lot of wolves and a lot of people who are not genuine and I always pick that up. I have learned to train my tongue from not speaking and I had to learn that really quick” said Saaphyri. She does believe there is a lot of opportunity for black people in the industry “but there is so much colorism until it’s divisive” said Saaphyri. Sometimes in the black community we can be our own worst enemy together we stand but divided we will fall.  “If we come together and put our resources together, we would have the opportunity we need. I don’t like us sitting on sidelines begging people to open up doors. I don’t think it’s even necessary at this point” said Saaphyri.

Saaphyri wants the world to know that even though she can make you laugh she is a businesswoman at the end of the day. “I crew business by smiling, we’re going to laugh all the way to the bank” Said Saaphyri. Saaphyri wears a lot of different hats and is doing big things. She did share that she’s getting ready to do some bigger things. She gave me a nugget about one  project she’s working on called Dunbar Heist. “It’s the largest arm car robbery in the history of the United States which is being made into a film in which someone with the last name Pinkett is involved” stated Saaphyri. You fill in the blank. If you want to keep up with what’s going on in her life you can follow her on her Instagram page for more excitement and inspiration. https://instagram.com/saaphyri?utm_medium=copy_link

Written by Gloria Peebles