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The David Brand and the World of Entertainment Public Relations

Michael Cox

Written by Michael Cox

David Robinson put in a lot of work to the foundation of the David Brand, his marketing and public relations firm. Founded in 2015, the firm specializes in entertainment relations like movies and theater. Since 2015, the David Brand has grown a star-studded roster for former and current clients like TC Carson, Terri J Vaugn, The Clark Sisters, and so many more. I got the opportunity to speak with David Robinson and what the world of public relations is really like.

To start from the beginning, David Robinson, received his bachelor of arts degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Grand Valley State University in 2010. However, the entertainment scene in Grand Rapids, Michigan is non-existent; so he started working in corporate public relations. In 2014, David got his first taste of the entertainment public relations when a friend asked him to walk Selena Johnson down the red carpet at the Atlanta premiere for Think Like a Man 2. David shared, “Kevin Hart was there and Terrence J and Lala Anthony and Gabrielle Union and I remember being like ‘whoa, this is amazing.” At that moment, he knew he wanted to take on the entertainment public relations.

“So I started volunteering at different events until 2015 when I took on my first client,” he said. David described the beginning of his PR work as a learning experience. “I kind of was doing a little bit of everything. I was a social media manager, being security, being an assistant to hold a bag or drive a car,” he shared. He explained that he had to really start thinking about what public relations meant and what value he was bringing to his clients.

He also shared how he had doubts about his abilities in the beginning due to being unknown. “The biggest thing I can recommend to anyone in PR, and just networking in general, is to remember that this is a givers game. It’s not about what I can go into a networking event and receive, but what I can give?”

The typical work day of a publicist does not include the glamorous red carpet event. “90 to 95 percent of the work that I do is at home with my laptop and phone,” David shared. The day of a publicist is a lot more scheduling, coordinating, emailing, and pitching. David said that his typical day will start at 9am but will end around 11 pm or even 12 am. And before the David Brand was picking up enough work and revenue, David was actually working full-time as a digital marketing consultant. 

When working with clients, David shares that his firm likes to make their clients feel heard. “It’s also very important to me that the client feels like I truly have their best interest at heart.” But sometimes clients aren’t the right fit for the David Brand. David shared a story about how he had to fire a client for requesting direct contact information for someone that David had introduced him to. “Sometimes what people want to do is cut out the middleman…there has to be a level of respect,” said David. When working with the historical Ebenezer Church, this client directly asked for the reverend’s cell phone number over a conference call. Not only was the move unprofessional, but it was also disrespectful to David as his publicist. David described himself as fuming but he kept his composure during the call. He has since severed ties with that client.

Keeping things professional is important in an environment that relies on networking. The David Brand has received numerous opportunities, clients, and projects from referrals from other professional relationships. Maintaining those relationships and delivering good work is how the David Brand stands out in the Atlanta Entertainment world.

When I asked about the future of the David Brand, David actually shared that he has already hit his 10 to 15 year goal. He’s accomplished so much more than he actually thought possible in the short time period since establishing the David Brand. While his plan beyond this point is still in the making, he did share that he would love to see the David Brand branch out into different cities.