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Art Culture

Uncensored with Rehima – Following her big dreams

Editorial Staff
Image of Black Dancer

It’s easy to dream about changing career aspirations, moving to California, and pursuing a career in the entertainment industry; but, Rehima didn’t just dream. She did.

Rehima was on track for a Physician Assistant program. Her mom had introduced her to a STEM program in high school that was geared towards minorities. She fell in love with drug discovery after a guest speaker came to her class to talk about it. I could feel her excitement as she talked about medicine being coated a certain way so that it targets a certain organ. She had already completed her degree in molecular biology and had a job waiting for her after graduation— a job that would eventually allow her to save up enough money to move to California. However, her career goals and the trajectory of her life changed immensely after a conversation with her aunt.

“She was like ‘I think you should go to school late and dance now.’ So I turned to my mom and I was like ‘I’m gonna move to California in about two years.”

Rehima truly manifested her goals. She moved out to Los Angeles and incorporated herself into the dance industry. Even though thriving and living life as a main character, the pandemic put a lot of things on hold in the entertainment industry— including the dancers. “We are artists as well. And we help create performances,” Rehima said. Most dancers shifted their attention to online with apps like TikTok and Instagram.

“I feel like a grandma when it comes to social media.”

Rehima recalls not knowing how to properly film and edit a video from her phone before the pandemic. But since growing her TikTok content, Rehima has gained not only fans but also friends from all over the world. “I have friends from Germany and Madagascar now,” Rehima shared. And taking the time to learn how to make TikTok content has only helped her further in the dance industry. Rehima talked about how dance auditions and casting calls have transitioned to self-tapes and submissions. With these self-tapes, not only do dancers have to dance, they have to know about lighting, filming, and editing.

Even though Rehima explained how she shifted careers and moved across the country for her dream, I kept questioning how she did it. How did she have the confidence or strength to completely change the trajectory of her life? Her answer was to “filter out what you take in and filter out those around you.” Rehima surrounds herself with positivity and inspiration. She surrounds herself with those who are going to support her goals and mission in life.

Her advice for anyone out there who is also contemplating a shift in career or life in general is to follow your passions and opportunities. And if you haven’t quite figured out your passion, expose yourself to everything.